MCAP testing begins this week.

Please make sure that your scholar is on time for school daily. All students will be taking the MCAP Math test April 25 through April 28 and the MCAP ELA test May 1 through May 5. Make-up testing will be May 8 – May 12. The makeup schedule depends on the number of students that are absent during testing week. Please see the specific testing dates for each grade level below. If your scholar arrives tardy on testing day, they will not be able to test that day.

If your scholar misses the first day of the MCAP Math test, they will automatically be placed in a make-up session to complete all math sections during the makeup week. Please note that if your scholar must complete a make-up test, they will miss class (excused absence) and be responsible for any missed instruction or assignments. In order to help your scholar be familiar with the online testing tools, please have them explore MCAP Online Practice Tests and TestNav (testing app) tutorial.

Specific test day schedules are posted in the hallway and email reminders have been sent to students. If you have any questions, please let me know.

Ms. Fagan

School Testing Coordinator