
CMIT Academy South Renewal


Sister-School CMIT Academy South's Charter has been renewed for 5-years!

CMIT Academy South Renewal2023-10-13T12:18:16-04:00

2023 Soccer Game Schedule


April 24 - Hyattsville vs CMIT North @ Robert Goddard MS (BOYS 1ST 5:30PM) April 26 - CMIT North @ Nicholas Orem (GIRLS 1ST 5:30PM) May 3 - CMIT North @ Beltsville Academy (BOYS PLAY ONLY 5:30PM) May 8 - CMIT North @ Benjamin Tasker (BOYS 1ST 5:30PM)

2023 Soccer Game Schedule2024-12-02T13:08:45-05:00

8th Grade Promotion


The 8th Grade Promotion will be Monday, June 12th at 5 pm! The ceremony will be held at CMIT North High School's gymnasium. Each 8th-grade scholar will be provided with three (3) guest tickets. Please plan accordingly. CMIT North MS PTO is providing each 8th-grade student with a commemorative t-shirt. Please complete the 8th Grade T-Shirt Order Form. The shirt will include the name of each 8th-grade student on the back and a class-selected design on the front. Attire, rehearsal, and ticket distribution details will be shared soon.

8th Grade Promotion2024-12-02T13:08:49-05:00

MCAP Testing Begins April 25, 2023


MCAP testing begins this week. Please make sure that your scholar is on time for school daily. All students will be taking the MCAP Math test April 25 through April 28 and the MCAP ELA test May 1 through May 5. Make-up testing will be May 8 - May 12. The makeup schedule depends on the number of students that are absent during testing week. Please see the specific testing dates for each grade level below. If your scholar arrives tardy on testing day, they will not be able to test that day. If your scholar misses the first day of the MCAP Math test, they will automatically [...]

MCAP Testing Begins April 25, 20232024-12-02T13:08:54-05:00

Make-Up Picture Day 2023


February 17, 2023, is Picture Retake Day for students who were absent or need pictures retaken!

Make-Up Picture Day 20232023-04-25T11:09:15-04:00
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